February 23, 2015 to late March, 2015 | | March, 2015 to Early April, 2015 | March 2, 2015 to March 26, 2015 | March 27, 2015, to April 2, 2015 | | | | | | | | | | | | September, 2015, to On-going | |
School Board: holds planning meeting, adopts strategic planning timeline, determines strategic planning committee membership, and processes for stakeholder input | School Board/Superintendent: appoints strategic planning committee | Superintendent: gathers school district reports, plans, budget, testing data, etc., analyzes information prepares “State-of-the-District Report”, sends invitations | MSBA: gathers stakeholder input via online survey and hold community and staff forums | MSBA: analyzes stakeholder input-identifies key words, reviews school district reports, prepares for planning meetings | School District: hosts 1st planning meeting - Thinking about the future – “visioning-related” activities | MSBA: prepares summary document in between meetings | School Board/Superintendent: receive summary of community engagement activities from MSBA | School District hosts 2nd planning meeting - State of the District Report, Stakeholder Summary, and Environmental Scan: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats analysis | MSBA: prepares summary document in between meetings | School District: hosts 3rd planning meeting - Writing of SMART goals and objectives, indicators and measures of progress | MSBA: prepares summary document in between meetings and holds additional planning via Skype | School Board: reviews and approves district mission, vision, beliefs, goals, and objectives document | Superintendent and staff: develops action plans (activities, assigns responsibility, timeline), gathers feedback from District Advisory Committee | Strategic Planning Committee: recommends adopt the report | School Board: reviews and approves action plans and sets monitoring schedule (quarterly) | Superintendent: aligns Board meeting agendas and updates, gathers feedback and reports to school board, writes District Accountability report (due October 1), recommends methods of communication | MSBA: completes final strategic plan report and schedules accountability meeting via Skype |